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A Western Strategy Card Game

The Six Roller Bandit is one of my favorite jam games so far. It's a strategy card game where you play cards on your turn to deal damage to enemies and block incoming attacks. 


I worked with 3 programmers as their artist and animator. All the visuals were created by me during the event. I'm a big fan of westerns and enjoyed using their unique visual style in this game.

Game Jam
Place for Art
Overall Place
Role of the Dice
Gobbos loop.gif
Card Art.gif

These characters were really fun to design. 

A big issue I had to look out for was  making sure the characters were bright and visible against the already bright background without looking out of place. 

I also put as much of the character's personalities into their designs. The Cowboy hero is determined to move forward so his stance is hunched forward. The scarecrow is a tricky villain who's very confident in his speed and strength. Lastly, the goblin thugs tend to not be very good at their 


Boss loop.gif

jobs. Who brings a knife to a gunfight, who closes their eyes when shooting, and who gave this one dynamite? 

The other designs shown here are the cards and the defeat and victory screens.

This is one of our games that I would love to come back to, and if I did the first thing I would love to do is find a way to illustrate the cards instead without the new design clashing with the already established pixel art designs and animations.

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